4 Strategies to Drive eCommerce Sales

4 Strategies to Drive eCommerce Sales

Published: | Updated: | By Emilie Murphy

Today, with numerous different platforms available for building websites, it’s become increasingly easy to get your online business up and running. The question is how do you make your store stand out from the rest and drive more sales?

You’ve found a platform that you find intuitive and you’ve got your design in place, listings ready and you’re set up to start selling. Here are four quick and easy ways of customizing your website to help drive more conversions:

1. Sense of urgency

The truth is that many sales are lost due to a lack of any sense of urgency when shopping online. Here at POWr, creating a sense of urgency on your website is one of the most popular ways we’ve seen small business owners drive sales. This is achieved by crafting targeted messages and limited time offers that drive more clicks to your ‘Buy Now’ or call-to-action button. Here’s an example using Shopify:

Using the POWr Countdown Timer you can add a countdown timer to your site alongside a limited time offer or other promotion. This is a powerful plugin that you can customize to fit in with the theme of your site. You have a number of display options and can decide what happens when your countdown ends, such as displaying a message or link to another page on your website, or even make it auto-repeat once it ends. You can find out more here and start adding that sense of urgency that will encourage visitors to make a purchasing decision.

2. Insta-sales

Instagram has grown to be a juggernaut in branding and commerce. With 700 million active users and 70% of brands expected to be on Instagram by the end of 2017 it’s a huge opportunity to showcase your products or services and easily update product listings straight from your phone. If you already use Instagram you’re already crafting your brand with each post so why not leverage it for fresh website content with little effort. Using the POWr Social Feed plugin you can easily add your Instagram feed to your website and customize its look and the frequency of updates to conform with your site. Here’s how it could look in Wix:

3. Cross-sell/Upsell

Let’s start by explaining what both are. Cross-selling is when you’re shown related products. For example, you’ve looked at a jacket online and then you’re shown a shirt that you might be interested in by the same brand. Amazon.com is a great example of this and showing related products or creating bundles is an excellent and proven way of increasing sales. However, upselling has fast become the new cross-selling and is 20 times more effective than cross-selling online. This is where you show a customer a higher quality or more expensive version of a product they’re already considering. This is often seen in pricing tables where upgraded versions of a product are promoted, or different packages that come at a higher price, but with more features or options. The great news is you don’t need expensive software to start cross-selling or upselling. Now you can do this too using the POWr Price Table and entice your customers to consider a higher-value purchase on something they’re already considering. Here’s an example on Weebly:

4. Merchandising

It is well-known that great visuals increase conversions . This doesn’t just mean images, but can also include video. Each image you include on your e-commerce store should deep link to the product page to make the customer’s purchase as smooth as possible. Using the POWr Multi Slider you can put your best deal, product or services forward, or even emphasize new collections to drive interest. The great thing about this is you can feature these images or products anywhere in the page and customize them as necessary. Here’s an example of the plugin in action on Wix:

There you have it, four quick and easy ways of customizing your website to increase e-commerce sales. The best part about the POWr plugins is that you can use them on the platform of your choice, they’re easy to add and mobile-responsive. They’re also re-usable so you don’t need to recreate them for each page you have or every time you want to use them. Get started today and we hope you start to enjoy increased sales!

To find out more, watch the video here.