Best Rated Online Comentarios App for Website

The easy way to build a professional Comentarios
for any website, with no code.

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Why POWR Comments for Websites?

Earn Trust and Loyalty

Permita que los clientes dejen comentarios, calificaciones de productos, testimonios y reseñas de productos en sus productos para fomentar la lealtad a la marca.

Recopile valiosos testimonios

Utilice la información de los testimonios de clientes, comentarios, calificaciones y reseñas para mejorar el flujo y el funcionamiento de su tienda.

Obtenga 5 veces más ventas

Habilite las calificaciones con estrellas para aumentar la confianza del cliente con pruebas sociales. ¡elija cómo mostrar sus comentarios y reseñas para que coincidan con su marca!

"POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!”

Lisa Hardy's profile picture

Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics




Global customers


Five star reviews



Make a one-of-a-kind Comentarios App in minutes

    Genere confianza en su marca

  • Display Star Ratings

    Collect and display reviews and star ratings for your products.

  • Enable Upvotes

    Permita que los visitantes del sitio web voten a favor de los comentarios, calificaciones o reseñas individuales para obtener comentarios más significativos.

  • Easy Image Uploads

    Muestre pruebas sociales en su sitio web permitiendo a los clientes agregar imágenes a sus reseñas de productos.

  • Enable Anonymous Commenting

    Permita que las personas publiquen comentarios sin dejar de ser anónimas.

    Advanced Customization

  • Controles de pantalla

    Order your comments by newest first, oldest first, and popularity, or manually choose your comment order.

  • Easy Comment Moderation

    Quickly and easily remove any unwanted comments or ratings, and reviews, or approve a comment before it's added to your website with moderation featuers.

  • Match Your Brand

    Pick custom comment colors and fonts, adjust the size, add borders, and more, so your comments app matches your brand.


  • Email Notifications

    Reciba alertas por correo electrónico sobre nuevos comentarios, calificaciones y reseñas para que pueda responder a los comentarios rápidamente.

  • Require Approval

    Approve new comments and reviews by email before they post publicly on your site.

Don’t just take our word for it

rating five stars

Gran aplicación, fácil de usar e instalar

Se puede agregar en todas las páginas de un sitio web y es hermoso. muy recomendable.


Estilo b universe

rating five stars

Love the ease of use!

Thank you for such a great app that helps new users easily see others' testimonials.


Ropa de héroe americano

rating five stars

Great app to showcase your products worth

This app is super dope. I recommend using it to show customers your product is worth purchasing. Anyone looking for a great app use this.


Blue Leaf Natural Skincare

rating five stars

Very easy to use app and our customers love it

Easy to install into the shopify store. We have already added it to our store. Highly recommended.


Dr Q London

rating five stars

Built my review page in minutes

This app helped me build the review page on the site in only few clicks! Definitely recommend this app.


Nimae Beauty

Works with any website

Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.

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