Make a Free Custom Faq for Any Website

Create a one-of-a-kind Faq in minutes
with no design experience or coding needed.

Start for free

No credit card required

What POWR Faq does to help you

Deeper Insights

Adding an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) builds trust and provides deeper insights to your site visitors, such as product information or refund policies.

Create a Help Center

Provide more detailed answers to your customer’s common questions such as returns or cancellation & shipping info with a full FAQ Help Center section.

Reduce Support Requests

Cut down on phone calls and emails to your support team by providing answers to common questions right on the page.

"POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!”

Lisa Hardy's profile picture

Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics




Global customers


Five star reviews



Faq customization in minutes, not hours

    Advanced Customization

  • Q&A

    Add as many fully-customized questions and answers as you like. You can also separate them by section. *Pro Tip - include hyperlinks to other pages on your website in your answers.

  • Settings Configuration

    Select single or multiple answers and enable the search function for faster navigation. Also, allow or voting to provide social proof.

  • Unique Branding

    Visually prepare your FAQ to fully match your personal brand style guidelines for color, fonts, elements, and copywriting. Arrange in an accordion style to allow easier browsing.

  • Analytics Tracking

    Fully integrate your FAQ with Google Tag Manager for analytics tracking.

12+ million websites improved (and counting)

rating five stars

Aynin Jewel created an FAQ page that has provided excellent results.

POWR is a great App for my FAQ, has many options for personalisation, and is easy to embed in my store without coding anything. I can add as many questions as I need, and put links into answers, and images too, it's perfect! Thank you


Aynin Jewel

rating five stars

Sit In The City had an FAQ that was no longer supported.

I used this app easily to replace an app that Shopify no longer supported. The design functions were clear and simple. The whole process was simple and I'm pleased with the way it looks. Please don't follow along with those other apps that get me in and then are abandoned by Shopify. thank you in advance.


Sit In The City

rating five stars

Great service and for free!

Very good customer service, lots and lots of designs to choose from. Recommended!



rating five stars

Simple and easy to use!

Getting it set up was pretty straightforward. I'd recommend this app to anyone who wants a quick faq set up



rating five stars

POWR is a great app for my FAQ

Many options for personalization, and was easy to embed in my store without coding anything. I can add as many questions as I need, put links into answers, and images too, it's perfect! Thank you


Aynin Jewel

When we said any website, we meant it

Find our {{app_name}} in any app market, site builder, or just grab the automated embed code and install it directly!

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's for FAQ's? Yup.

Join the worldwide POWR Hero family today!

Nearly 20 million POWR apps exist on websites in every country on Earth. One-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.

Get started now