Best Rated Online Microblog App for Website

The easy way to build a professional Microblog
for any website, with no code.

Start for free

No credit card required

Why POWR Microblog

Boost Trust and Credibility

Provide in-depth analysis and knowledge for your site visitors to position your company as an industry thought leader.

Social Sharing

Allow viewers to like and share your microblog entries on their favorite social media channels.

Improve Sales

You'll own your place in your industry by including more detailed information and expert subject matter.

"POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!”

Lisa Hardy's profile picture

Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics




Global customers


Five star reviews



Create a fully-customized Microblog in minutes

    Advance Customization

  • Layout Arrangement

    Arrange your blogs in a grid or collage format. Crop your images and adjust width and spacing.

  • Make It Dynamic

    Add special features like image hover effects and captions for all your microblog entries.

  • Match Brand Style Design

    Keep brand consistency by matching your brand’s colors, fonts, borders, and overall unique design.

  • With Subscription Upgrade

    Create a vlog instead! Enable likes and sharing on social media. Install as a lightbox and make your microblog searchable. Add Google Tag Manager and other advanced tracking features.

Supercharge your workflow with powerful integrations

Google Document Viewer logo

Google Document Viewer

View a wide range of online documents right in your browser

Youtube logo



Vimeo logo



Tiktok logo


Add TikTok videos via URL for better engagement on your website.

Don’t just take our word for it

rating five stars

Keep up the excellent work, you all!

I appreciate the team at POWR for offering a free version, as I am always hesitant to pay for a service without being able to test it out first.



rating five stars

Love it!

Quick and easy to use, no complaints at all!


Nicole Morse

Works with any website

Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the POWR Microblog App

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More than 18 million POWR apps exist on websites worldwide. Get started with one-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.

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