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The easy way to build a professional Microblog for any website, with no code.
No credit card required
Provide in-depth analysis and knowledge for your site visitors to position your company as an industry thought leader.
Allow viewers to like and share your microblog entries on their favorite social media channels.
You'll own your place in your industry by including more detailed information and expert subject matter.
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Arrange your blogs in a grid or collage format. Crop your images and adjust width and spacing.
Add special features like image hover effects and captions for all your microblog entries.
Keep brand consistency by matching your brand’s colors, fonts, borders, and overall unique design.
Create a vlog instead! Enable likes and sharing on social media. Install as a lightbox and make your microblog searchable. Add Google Tag Manager and other advanced tracking features.
View a wide range of online documents right in your browser
Add TikTok videos via URL for better engagement on your website.
Find us in the app market of your favorite site builder or grab the embed code and install directly on your site.
See all platformsLearn more about the POWR Microblog App
More people indeed prefer watching videos nowadays; however, there are two key benefits to installing a microblog on your website:
If your site doesn’t have that content, and your competitors do, they will be recommended, not you. Also worth noting, you can use videos in the Microblog app! Or, you can have a mix of written copy and videos. The more information you can provide to educate your site visitors about what you're about, the better.
There are thousands of freelance writers available to you. Many will write blog articles for free if you provide them with your platform and an author bio section in the article. This expands their content portfolio, which will, in turn, make it more likely they will secure more paying clients.
In many cases, even those that charge are relatively inexpensive at around $50 - $100 per article. There are many sites where you can find great blog writers. Here you’ll find a list of the top-rated bloggers from UpWork, a world-renowned freelance hub.
A vlog is a blog but a video instead of written text. Vlogs have become wildly popular on the internet in recent years, so the POWR microblog can also be installed as a vlog. From the POWR Editor screen, simply select video instead of blog, and off you go!
Some vlog best practices:
The time-consuming part is up to you. It is a best practice to put ample thought and attention into what you want to communicate to your site visitors. One thing that is without question is how vital microblog content can be to your overall marketing strategy.
POWR has more than 3,000 5-star reviews as a testament to how easy all our website apps are to create and install. The process is simple and intuitive. The POWR Editor will lead you step by step until your microblog is customized and completed to your specifications.
More than 18 million POWR apps exist on websites worldwide. Get started with one-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.
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