Make a Free Custom Music Player for Any Website

Create a one-of-a-kind Music Player in minutes
with no design experience or coding needed.

Start for free

No credit card required

What POWR Music Player does to help you

Digital Download Sales

Embed a pay link to your original music and sell them as digital downloads.

Stream Your Collection

Stream your favorites or original music from Soundcloud or MP3s from your computer.

Responsive Audio

In minutes have a fully responsive audio stream, for music, podcasts, or audiobooks, complete with links to iTunes, Google, or Amazon.

"POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!”

Lisa Hardy's profile picture

Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics




Global customers


Five star reviews



Music Player customization in minutes, not hours

    Advanced Customization

  • Unlimited Tracks

    Add as many songs as you like to your custom music player for your website. Upload from Soundcloud or MP3s from your computer.

  • Stream Link Embed

    Embed links to popular music sites iTunes, Google Play Store, and Amazon Music.

  • Loop Playback

    Add tons of great music and set your streaming playlist to play on an infinite loop.

  • Match Brand Style Design

    Keep brand consistency by matching your brand’s colors, fonts, borders, sizes, and overall unique design.

    Easily Accept Payments

  • One-time payments‎

    Private and secure one-time payments

  • Subscriptions‎

    Accept monthly recurring payments

  • Donations

    One-time or recurring donations

12+ million websites improved (and counting)

rating five stars

Been a customer for several years

Been a customer for several years now,...Love the app, the mp3 player works flawlessly. Great editing ability and consistent sound !!

Music Player

Ron Johnson - Trustpilot

rating five stars

Loving the app so far!

I like that my customer have music to listen to while browsing my online shoe store

Music Player

John Cantrell Shoes

When we said any website, we meant it

Find our Music Player in any app market, site builder, or just grab the automated embed code and install it directly!

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See all platforms

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the POWR Music Player App

Join the worldwide POWR Hero family today!

Nearly 20 million POWR apps exist on websites in every country on Earth. One-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.

Get started now