Make a Free Custom Notification Bar for Any Website

Create a one-of-a-kind Notification Bar in minutes
with no design experience or coding needed.

Start for free

No credit card required

What POWR Notification Bar does to help you

Increased Conversions + Sales

Promote upcoming sales events or new product releases for every site visitor.

Important Information Relay

Display important information related to systems updates, new integrations, or actions to be taken by a deadline date.

Email Capture

Gain new subscribers for your company newsletter or promotional email marketing campaigns.

"POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!”

Lisa Hardy's profile picture

Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics




Global customers


Five star reviews



Notification Bar customization in minutes, not hours

    Advanced Customization

  • Fully Responsive Content

    Choose up to 10 elements for your notification bar with varied responsiveness, like button links, images, videos, or even other POWR plugins.

  • Notification Display

    Control who sees your notification bar and when. Select between once per day per visitor, every time anyone visits, once per week per visitor, or new visitors only.

  • Enable Hover Effect

    Decide if you want your notification bar to react when someone mouses over it by highlighting it or a color inversion.

  • Match Brand Style Design

    Keep your brand consistent by matching your brand’s colors, adding gradients, fonts, borders, and overall custom design.

12+ million websites improved (and counting)

rating five stars

Thanks for making this resource available!

Inserting into a Squarespace site was simple and straightforward. The available instructions were clear and helpful.

Notification Bar

Scott Tidmore

rating five stars

What's not love?

It really was a cakewalk installing it on our landing page. Easy, intuitive tools for custom designs - what more can you ask for?

Notification Bar


When we said any website, we meant it

Find our Notification Bar in any app market, site builder, or just grab the automated embed code and install it directly!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the POWR Notification Bar

Join the worldwide POWR Hero family today!

Nearly 20 million POWR apps exist on websites in every country on Earth. One-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.

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