






Product Hunt

Create a one-of-a-kind Resume in minutes
with no design experience or coding needed.
No credit card required
Have your resume or CV portfolio directly on your website and secure more gigs.
Be proud of your work and with your resume or CV show that you’re looking for freelance or gig talent that you’re available.
Let site visitors see your resume, and know your skillset and availability to take on more projects.
Lisa Hardy
@ Good World GraphicsSupport
Global customers
Five star reviews
Set your resume header details then fill in pertinent information like education, experience, skill, technical abilities, and any relevant site links to your work.
Connect all your social channels to craft an overall “this is who I am” picture.
Add advanced features such as custom CSS or JS coding, and remove any POWR branding with an upgraded subscription.
Keep your personal brand consistent by matching colors, adding gradients, fonts, borders, backgrounds, and overall custom design.
Find our {{app_name}} in any app market, site builder, or just grab the automated embed code and install it directly!
See all platformsLearn more about the POWR Resume Embed App
If you do freelance or gig work, it’s a good idea to have your skills and experience highlighted for all to see with a resume file embedded directly in your personal website.
If you don’t have a personal website, it’s ok, you can also generate a custom code that’s shareable on social media or embedded directly into an email.
In the modern digital age, rest assured, any potential employer will google you before or during the interview process. As you know, securing freelance gigs isn’t the same as looking for full-time work, so it makes sense to keep your professional portfolio accessible at any time, by anyone.
If you include links to your blog articles or your digital design work directly in your POWR resume, you’re making it that much easier for potential employers to do their recon before they even reach out to you.
The end result is you get your work in front of more people, and you’ll reduce the time to secure new gigs at the same time. It’s a win-win!
Because the POWR Resume Builder doesn’t require a web developer or coding, you can update your resume as frequently as you like, and once you finish editing, it’s immediately live.
A resume can be a vital addition to your personal freelance gig marketing strategy. The time-consuming part is up to you. It depends on how detailed you want to get and what customization you’d like to do.
POWR has more than 3,000 5-star reviews as a testament to how easy all our website apps are to create and install. The process is simple and intuitive. The POWR Editor will lead you step by step until your resume is customized and completed to your exact specifications.
Nearly 20 million POWR apps exist on websites in every country on Earth. One-click signup. No contracts and no credit card required.
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